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Apparently You Can Wear Retinol During the Day—But There Are Rules, People

But you’ll get more bang for your buck at night, tbh.Butterfly pose (known as Baddha Konasana in Sanskrit) is a beginner-friendly yoga pose that helps open up your hips and ease tension. It also helps stretch and strengthen many different muscles in your upper legs. This makes it a wonderful stretch for people with tight […]

For Baked Goods With 4 Times the Fiber, Swap All-Purpose Flour for This Pantry Staple

< div class=”clickbankwrapper”>Plus: A high-protein buckwheat brownie recipe that couldn’t be easier to make. Oversize claw clips. Lug-sole loafers. Coffee with (gasp) dairy milk. Whether you’re scrolling through TikTok or people-watching on the street, it’s no secret that a turn-back-time aesthetic—that’s giving total nostalgia—is very in right now. That’s true for skin care and makeup […]

This New Moon in Pisces Is Bringing Dreamy Inspiration and All the Feels

It’s time to let go of something (or someone) you’ve outgrown.The value of stretching has likely been drilled into your brain over the years, but that knowledge doesn’t make it any less tempting to skip your post-workout cooldown moves or morning mobility flow. With so many work, social, and familial commitments, who has the time […]

Do You Need to Localize Your Website?

Global markets give you access to new customers. All you need to do is inform potential buyers about your product or service.  Your website is a good place to introduce your product or service outside your locale. Localizing your web content sounds like the right way to reach out to the global market. Localization will […]

Immersive Content Strategy

Beyond the severe toll of the coronavirus pandemic, perhaps no other disruption has transformed user experiences quite like how the tethers to our formerly web-biased era of content have frayed. We’re transitioning to a new world of remote work and digital content. We’re also experimenting with unprecedented content channels that, not too long ago, elicited […]

Beware the Cut ‘n’ Paste Persona

This Person Does Not Exist is a website that generates human faces with a machine learning algorithm. It takes real portraits and recombines them into fake human faces. We recently scrolled past a LinkedIn post stating that this website could be useful “if you are developing a persona and looking for a photo.”  We agree: […]

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