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Category: E-business & E-marketing

E-business & E-marketing

The Biggest Challenge Facing Tom Holland’s Spider-Man 4

Although all three of the MCU Spider-Man movies have “home” in the title, Spidey didn’t feel like he really came home until the very end of Spider-Man: No Way Home. That’s when Peter Parker walked into a squalid New York City apartment, knit together a home-made suit, and remembered his late parent-figure’s words about power…

E-business & E-marketing

Quick Question: Are Push-Ups or Bench Presses the Better Exercise for a Strong Upper Body?

We tapped fitness trainers to find out. Our fascination with “clean” beauty was never just about putting certain ingredients on our skin. It was also about reducing waste, lessening our impact on the environment, and being more responsible with our consumption.  In that vein, the idea of reef-safe sunscreen sounds pretty damn good. Coral reefs not…

E-business & E-marketing

These Top 10 Powder Sunscreens Are Pretty Much SPF in Incognito Mode

Sunny days ahead. Our fascination with “clean” beauty was never just about putting certain ingredients on our skin. It was also about reducing waste, lessening our impact on the environment, and being more responsible with our consumption.  In that vein, the idea of reef-safe sunscreen sounds pretty damn good. Coral reefs not only sustain vital underwater…

E-business & E-marketing

These Are the 10 Best Reef-Safe Sunscreens, According to Derms

Sun protection with the environment in mind.Our fascination with “clean” beauty was never just about putting certain ingredients on our skin. It was also about reducing waste, lessening our impact on the environment, and being more responsible with our consumption.  In that vein, the idea of reef-safe sunscreen sounds pretty damn good. Coral reefs not only…

E-business & E-marketing

The Most Underrated Action Movies of the 1990s

The 1990s represented a golden epoch for action cinema. This was the time which saw VHS and its digitized successor DVD introduce a whole new generation of fans to the magic of stars like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone. And those titans from the ‘80s still claimed big wins, too, at the box office and…

E-business & E-marketing

One Watch Wonders: Civil War and Other Great Movies You Only Want to Watch Once

Civil War is an extremely powerful, effective movie that thrusts you into the middle of an American civil war seen through the eyes of a war photographer. It’s brutal. It’s extraordinarily violent. The sound design is bordering on abusive. And if you watch it in IMAX you can reasonably expect to leave the theater with…

E-business & E-marketing

Dr. Uma Naidoo Wants You to *Feel* What You Eat

We all know that humans need daily nourishment to survive. But to thrive? That’s a bit more complicated than vitamin and mineral counts. We’re social creatures, too, meaning we crave—require, actually—connection on a regular basis. So much so that social isolation has been found to be as detrimental to our health as smoking 15 cigarettes…

E-business & E-marketing

Meet Frida Uncensored, the Unfiltered Guide to Women’s Sexual Health

Say hello to honest, educational how-tos on conception, pregnancy, and postpartum care.When you’re feeling burnt out, the effects are often written all over your face. Lack of sleep lowers your natural moisture levels and slows down cell turnover, and while “tired skin” isn’t a clinical term, it often means skin that looks  “dehydrated, dull, less than…

E-business & E-marketing
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